A Scholar not a Follower

Published by Xiao on

One of the greatest lesson that I’ve learned throughout the year is to never put anyone on a pedestal.

It’s so easy to come across very charming and brilliant individuals both online and in real life, people with a natural gravitas that attracts the attention of anyone in their presence.

The problem is that most poeple get blinded by their feelings of admiration and forget that we are dealing with another human being.

This creates a problem on both sides of the coin.

On the admired side, they get paralyzed by the pressure of having to be always right and not being able to make mistakes. Some get such an enormous ego boost that they forget they can indeed be wrong at times.

On the admirer side, they get blindsided and fall into the logical fallacy that “he was right before, therefore he must be right again”, taking his words at face value without thinking about it twice.
Once they do notice that he was wrong though, they crucifie the very person that they used to admire so much.

I’ve seen it first hand with the fall of Jordan Peterson. He is a great clinical and his online lectures about the human psyche are fantastic. Once he started getting the influencer status and venturing into politics though, the switch was insane, he totally plunged into madness.

Fame really does a number on people and apparently not even the sharpest of minds are immune to it.

With this being said though, I still think some of the things he said in his area of expertize (psychology) are valid and I have tried them myself.

I was really impressed by how seemingly the smallest of things, such as keeping your room in order, can help and are a reflection or your current state of mind.

I don’t like when angry, mindless online mobs completely delete a man’s life work, when they find out he has some crazy ideologies too. It’s too simplistic of a mindset.

I never took his word for THE one truth though, I always tried to think about it first and compare it to the view of other experts in the field of psychology like Gabor Mate, before internalizing the ideas.

For me this is the key crucial step, that most people skip out of utter laziness.
This what separates the individuals who trully grow and develop their mindsets outside school and the brainless masses.

Categories: Mindset


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