A New Beginning

Published by Xiao on

Life is a mystery sometimes.
You think you found your life path and then everything falls apart like a Greek tragedy.

December of last year I decided to quit my job as a receptionist at the local hotel, in order to have more time for myself, hopefully, finish uni and find a more fulfilling job.

Fast-forward just a month I’ve been proposed a very promising job at a big international company, that could have led me to some sort of managerial position.

I thought my life was set, that was it. I’ve finally found my path, I told myself.

Yet life has a strange sense of humor. I thought sales would have been a great field and in a sense it was. I love the skill of selling, but I didn’t really enjoy the corporate structure, where people are treated like a number on a spreadsheet and in the end it didn’t work out for me.

Now I’m back in the same situation: unemployed, single and living by myself.

So what’s next? that’s the burning nightmarish question that has been tormenting my head for the last month or so.

In the meanwhile, I indulged in all the things that I didn’t have time while working: partying, shopping, games and going out at every event.

I kinda let loose my monkey brain and did the first thing that came to my mind.
But I still have that weird sensation, a void to fill in me.

I came to the realization that people are not made to chance pleasure after pleasure, like a monkey.

We need a sense of purpose something to strive for to be happy, so here I am, I putting down my thoughts “on paper” as a zen exercise to remind myself that happiness/Goodlife doesn’t appear out of nowhere, we need to plan and pursue it.

I’m starting to look into myself to find the answer and also now is a great time to improve and implement new good life habits and stop slipping into bad self-deprecating cravings of the monkey mind.

I’ve decided to Blog&Vlog about it since I’m a natural introvert, I need to get out my comfort zone and improve upon myself.

This is my embarrassing video where I promise myself that it is time to take action.

This is a great way to improve myself and more importantly to keep it consistent.

I’ll be posting the results of the new habits/life philosophy, what works, what doesn’t and the effects.

So stay tuned…


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